Multistate Association for Bilingual Education, Northeast A nonprofit organization for educators, families, and policy makers. |
MABE's Special Education Network is MABE's oldest running network. At over 40 years old, it was started in the 1980s by Pat Landurand and Maria Wilson-Portuondo - both of whom are still helping with the Network today, and who helped found the Coalition for Equity, Diversity, and Disability in Massachusetts.
MABE continually receives questions about students with disabilities and their intersection in second language learning. How can educators appropriately service students with disabilities? How can a DLE program be created to support ALL students that doesn't exclude students with complex behavioral, social, and learning needs? When provided appropriate supports, developmentally delayed students have been proven succeed in DLE.
MABE encourages staff that are responsible for services to students with disabilities and the response-to-intervention process to participate in this Network.
Purpose of Network
Intended Audience
DLE special educators, including support staff, teachers, and leaders who support support bilingual special education students. Especifically, Special Educators, School Psychologist, Speech and Language Pathologist, and Educational Leaders interested in Special Education Issues (e.g., Moderate Special Needs, Director of Special Education, Institutes of Higher Education, Literacy and Instructional Coaches, Interventionists). | Network Goals ✓ Identifying and discussing “problems of practice” raised by participants of the network ✓Networking amongst participants ✓Advancing knowledge and skills in curriculum, instruction, and assessment for MLs with/without disabilities. Meeting Materials, Handouts and Resources are available to MABE Members on Members Only pages. View Research and Resources on bilingual Special Education topics here. |